Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Signed, Sealed, Delivered..
Monday, March 27, 2006
Smile!! You're on Camera...
Having just finish my assignments, I decided to take a break and smoke.. I was at the library and so I head for the nearest smoking point which is behind The Grinning Gecko... Half-way thru' puffing, I turned to my right and what do you know, there's a CCTV camera attached to a post, disguising itself as a lamp post.. Sheeshh!!! That was never there before.. I quickly shifted to an angle where it is a blindspot for the camera..
Damn!! Why are there so many of such cameras being installed around NUS now?? There's one also installed at the walkway leading to the 'Hell' at the Arts canteen (The place got it's name as it's a smoking haven for smokers in the Arts canteen).. As a result, if I want to have lunch and take a puff after that, I have to choose a seat where I'm being blocked by a pillar from the camera...
Thank god there's no camera installed, as of yet, at the smoking point outside LT11.. If not, it would really make life difficult for us smokers.. But one thing for sure, technology can never outwit humans' agencies.. There would be blindspots where the cameras aren't able to cover... So go ahead NUS.. Install more cameras and waste more money and then increase the fees further... We are just going to have more fun playing hide and seek!!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
RX Water my foot ah...
Sports and Fitness
Thursday, March 23, 2006
2A3 Marche' Meet-Up

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Almost Here
[Verse 1] (Bryan)
Did I hear you right?
Cause I thought you said
Let's think it over
You have been my life
And I never planned
Growing old without you
[Bridge 1] (Bryan) (Not in this mtv clip)
Shadows bleeding through the light
Where a love once shined so bright
Came without a reason
Don't let go on us tonight
Love's not always black and white
Haven't I always loved you?
[Chorus] (Delta)
But when I need you
You're almost here
And I know that's, not enough
But when I'm with you, I'm close to tears
'Cause you're only almost here
[Verse 2] (Bryan)
I would change the world
If I had a chance
Oh won't you let me
Treat me like a child
Throw your arms around me
Please protect me
[Bridge 2] (Delta & Bryan)
Bruised and battered by your words
Dazed and shattered now it hurts
Haven't I always loved you
[Repeat Chorus X 2] (Delta)
[Instrumental Break] (Not in this MTV clip)
[Bridge 3] (Bryan & Delta)
Bruised and battered by your words
Dazed and shattered now it hurts
Haven't I always loved you
[Repeat Chorus X 3 (Outro) ][Delta (Bryan)]
But when I need you, you're almost here
(Well I never knew how far behind I'd left you)
And when I hold you, you're almost here
(Well I'm sorry that I took our love for granted)
(Now I'm with you, I'm close to tears, 'Cause I know I'm almost here)
Only almost here
Monday, March 20, 2006
The Invisible Tuggings
More than 20 hours since I had my last wink. 10 more hours to pull through. But can I be assured that it’s only 10 more hours? Can I be sure that the other invisible tuggings aren’t lining up behind this current one, waiting to chew off whatever is left of me? The eyes wanted to close but the mind had other ideas. The body seems to side with the latter. Why? Superman? I don’t think so.
Turning 24. A time to be more responsible and independent. But does being more responsible mean taking up all responsibilities, shouldering others as well? Does claiming more responsibilities allow others to throw or even shove it up your face more responsibilities? Does being independent give others the liberty and the opportunity to be dependent on you? Questions, questions, and more questions.
Got a glance at today’s paper. There’s an article about Alfian Sa’at. A great writer and poet. Love his piece entitled “The Racist’s Apology”. Why did I mention about Alfian? Hmm…. Oh yah. His ability to craft his inner most feelings into words. How I wish I could do just that. But I am what I am. Someone who isn’t able to express clearly what’s deeply buried inside into words. As a result: Trapped!!! Grinding my teeth as the tuggings continue while visibly remaining unperturbed and unruffled…
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
You're Beautiful
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
The wait is over...
I GOT IT!!!! Yes!!! Finally, the excruciating wait is over and my prayers had been answered... After four attempts, I finally made it.. I wanted to shout for joy but prohibit myself when I realized that I'm in public space... I thanked god repeatedly... It's really hard to explain how I felt and am still feeling now.. It's beyond words...
Came back to an empty house as my whole family went to grandma's place... Sms the good news to two of my best buddies... God knows how many times I re-read the acceptance letter. Then comes the second good news. Instead of English, I am being offered to teach Social Studies as my second teaching subject. The first one is Geog... Awesome!!! I waited for my whole family to be back before breaking the good news to them in person... During prayers, I was totally overwhelmed by emotions... Couldn't hold back the tears as I 'talk' to god...
I am thankful for what had been given to me so far and what I had achieved but at the same time, I know that I shouldn't rest on my laurels.. I need to try and work harder as there are many more things that has yet and could be achieved... InsyaAllah, with god's will, I will continue to work hard and hope one day, I could provide a good life for my parents and family...

Sunday, March 12, 2006
Tulang Gathering

Unfortunately, Ezril and Mas could not join us for this round of gathering due to unforeseen circumstances.. Nonetheless, the gathering went on... I had to buy the tulang at Beach Road Market before that... I hate buying at the front stalls becoz the mamas will fight for you and it's very irritating.. So I make my way to the back stall and where there's less competition between stalls...
The appointed time was 8:30p.m. But, as expected, not all come by then.. Well after eating, we sat around while looking at the pics from Wan & Maya's wedding as well as the DVD video footage of their special day.. Set off to Lido to catch a late midnite show afterwards... Didn't ride my baby phantom coz Wan and Sarlyza drove... The movie was crap man!! Don't ever watch Nanny MacPhee... Why watch that show in the first place?? Well, we don't have much choice... It's either that or Cry Wolf which were available at that time and some of the gals don't want to watch the latter coz it's gory... Ah kau, tak nak tengok tu kan.. Amik kau... Cerita merepek.. Lol...
But, though the movie wasn't fabulous, the great company kinda compensate for it.. It's simply fun and great to meet up with these guys again... Can't wait for the next gathering though... However the next Tulang Gathering won't be any sooner in the future.. By right, it should be in June but because of the series of wedding, among the group (Isk & Sarlyza June '06, Airul & partner, Sep '06 and Ezril & Mas, Dec '06), that has been scheduled, we have yet to come up with the next gathering date... But I'm certainly looking forward to the next meet-up, tulang or not...
The mtv clip for this posting is 'Iris' by The GooGoo Dolls.. A song which we heard over the airwaves and sang together in the car on the way back home... Peace!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006
A space to remember the late Nonoi
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Waiting waiting...
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Khun Ruu Mai Khrap
Khun Ruu Mai Khrap (Do You Know)
Pliang kee con taa
Cay ko sang way
Kham thii phuut pay
Cay bang klap maa
*Yaak hay khun ruu way
Waa ko khwaam thii song pay
Klan maa ca cay
Faak pay taam sai lom
Khun ca ruu bang may
Kern nii phom noon mai laap
Khun ca ruu mai khrap
Naa khun lor yuu teem faa
Yak hay khun too maa la tri sawat
Phuut chat chat sak kham waa rak
Kee nii khong may lam baak kern pay
Chai may khun *
Daw ko suay dii lom kop hat yen
Yaa thii way aing pen chan tuk wan
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Zeus... The helmet or the Greek God??
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Running out of steam
Today was terrific.. After so long, I finally met up with Jib and Raz... Went to catch Big Mama 2 with them at Causewaypoint.. Damn funny man the show.. A good show for you to relieve stress and just laugh yourself silly... Head down to Singapore Satay Club at Sembawang after that for a quick bite.. I went back to Jib's house to play winning eleven for awhile.. Have a good chat with his mum... Long time since I catch up with her.. She's somehow like my mak angkat already...
I could see that next week and the week after would be very packed for me.. Numerous assignments coming up... Looking forward to next Saturday though... Tulang gang meet-up at my place... Yeah!!!
Well, I seem to be running out of steam already, all energy in me appeared to be zapped up.. I hope I got the mental and physical capacity to push on further... Enough of blogging then and back to work....
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Normal Mode Again
Anyway, today has been great.. Managed to accomplish alot academically wise... Well, after coming back from school, met up with Nazri.. He was visiting his grandma who lives 2 floors below me.. Apparently, little Nadra was having a fever yesterday.. Kesian... Well, at least she seems a little bit better just now.. Don't worry bro, it's part of being a father I guess, tending to your daughter...
Took a nap before going for tuition.. If not for my best friend Najib, I would have missed it... Luckily he called me at the right time... Thanks bro... Went for tuition and found out the kid which I just taught this year finally passed his Maths.. Not only he passed 1 common test, he passed both the common tests administered to him.. Well done kiddo!! Not that I'm adopting a typical Melayu attitude where obtaining a pass is sufficient but it's an improvement from his past performances.. Things like these are the ones which encourage and motivate me further to become a full-time teacher.. It's that little difference that spur me on...
Well, my life seems to have improve a bit... Like to thank all those who have been there for me during that depressing time.. Can't be what I am now without everyone of you... But, what I had went through in the past could serve as a learning point which I will treasure dearly...
By the way, my elder brother is finally tying the knot.. Alhamdulillah... Finally, I got the room all to myself.. Kekeke... But really, I'm quite glad that he finally going to settle down.. It'll be on the 18th of June... Let's pray that it will be a successful event...
Lastly, I managed to find this MTV.. It's sappy I know but I can assure you 9 out of 10 of you definitely had at least like this song before... It's "Stay The Same" by Joey McIntyre... Enjoy!!