Sunday, April 30, 2006
Before carrying on with the celebration, let's give a 1 minute of silence to the total demise and complete annihilation of Manchester United.. The Devils have been exorcised... The 1 minute starts now.....................................
"Eeeeeezy, eeeeeezy, eeeeezy..." Absolutely wonderful.. TIGA - KOSONG!!!! Being at Chijmes last night where we, the Chelsea fans, were being outnumbered, but totally not outgunned, is definitely a moment I will cherish forever...... Two seasons in a row.. Ahhhhh!!! LOVELY!!!!
C'mon u Man U fans, let me hear those voices... I am expecting a cacophony of excuses and comments from the red sections.. I have learn that part of enjoying victories is to listen to the opponents' cries... FANTASTIC!!! But I would say that the sight is still THE most important sense that humans are being blessed with... You can call me occularcentric man but when you see those faces of the Man U fans during and after the game, it is TERRIFIC!!! PRICELESS!!! They're damn sore that I guess if you let go a rally of slaps across both sides of their face, they won't feel a thing...
Some people say the race is going to be tighter next season... But looking at last night's match, I beg to differ.. I think what will happen next season is that Chelsea will definitely have to clear more space in their trophy cabinets to make way for more accolades to come in the future...
Now that the Premier League is all wrapped up, it's time for the World Cup... I'm ready man, armed myself with England's t-shirt and cap, subscribed to the world cup channel and found more kakis to watch certain matches together at the local pubs... "Come on u England!!!"
For now, let's celebrate the victory(ies) and let's sing together now everyone to this famous song.... "We are the champion, my fren.... No time for losers cause we are the champion... of the world..."
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Top 10 Worst Nightmares
Was listening to Vernetta on Class 95 the other day and then there's this segment of hers where a listener listed down his top 10 worst nightmares.. I thought about it and come up with a list of my own as well... Here it goes.....
10) Seeing my (future) mother-in-law in a tight-fitting, red colour bikini..
9) Losing all my contacts in my handphone...
8) I do not remember my girlfriend's telephone number...
7) While surfing for porn, discover that my girlfriend doing a 'Tammy'....
6) Get caught at the causeway trying to smuggle............ RAMLI BURGER....
5) Getting my marriage pre-arranged by my parents
4) Realizing that the bride is.................. ANITA SARAWAK....
3) Studied damn hard for the examination but found out that the paper was yesterday....
2) Realized that I transfered my progress package money to another person's bank account...
And since the hot topic at the moment is about the general election, my worst nightmare is.....
1) Get caught............ Voting for the opposition.....
So there you go... How about yours then?? What are your top 10 worst nightmares???
Friday, April 28, 2006
Unstoppable flows
Living in a globalising world where time and space are being compressed at an amazing speed.. Flows of capital and human crossing socially constructed borders are rampant...
Haha.. Not going to bore you with these academic stuffs that I have to deal with intensively over the past few days... But the opening is somehow related to what I have to talk about in this entry...
Running nose... What a funny name? The nose didn't run, but what is running, or should I say flowing, is the hingus (I don't know what it's termed in English)... It's fucking irritating.. The flows of hingus that come gushing out, sometimes trickling down, your nose are unstoppable..
Fell sick the night before my third paper.. Terrible man... U know how your head feels so light when u having a flu.. Damn!!! Can't think properly.. As a result, I don't know what the hell I wrote for my last question...
The worst time to have a running nose is perhaps when you are riding.. Both your hands are placed at the handle bars that there's none left to stop it from flowing.. Guess what happen then?? Hmm.. I let you all think bout it but let's just say that the driver besides me need to use the windscreen wiper when it's not raining.. Lol...
Nevertheless, this ain't going to stop me from accomplishing what I have planned for in the days to come.. It's 'live' soccer match at Chijmes on Saturday (Come on u Chelsea!!!), dinner with friends on Monday and BBQ on Tuesday night.. Of course in between I will study lah for my Wednesday paper... Hope the flows will stop soon...
Anyway, I just love the starting to the song "Everything you want" by Vertical Horizon... Kind of hypnotizing...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Temporary Goodbye
Yo peeps, due to the up and coming examination, I guess I won't be updating my blog for this and probably next week.. The amount of materials I have to cover is too daunting that I can't afford to idle and update my blog..
Well, let me update on what had happened since my last entry... Hmm.. Nothing much... The chalet from Friday to Sunday was alright.. The bbq on Saturday was the only highlight of the whole event.. However, that Saturday started off like fuck... My bike got overheated halfway while I'm on the PIE.. Damn it man!! Got to stop and wait for almost half an hour to let it cool down.. After dat, went straight to a bike shop and guess what?? The maintenance costs me 200 bucks.. FUCK!!!
Anyway this might come as a surprise to some but I'm going to sell off my baby before November this year.. Part of the reason is that the maintenance cost is way too much for me... Also, I need to start saving money if I want my plans to go to Europe for my graduation trip to materialize... Sighz... Looks like it's the public transport from then onwards...
Oh well, enough updates as for now.. It's back to the pile of readings that I have to finish.. Wish me luck for the exam folks.. I need it more for this sem than any of the other previous sem... Ciaoz!! Xxx!!!
Enjoy the mtv from the pussycat dolls.. They sang it right man... I do wish my girlfriend is as hot as them!!! Lol!!! MEOWWW!!!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
The blowing of the 24th candle... What does it mean?? Another year had passed and a brand new one approaches... The 23rd leg of my life was filled with lots of trial and tribulation.. But amidst all that, there are several moments of joy and jubilation as well... What I have truly accrued from the past 365 days are experiences which I am glad to have garnered and will always cherish them...
As I transited to, and prepared myself for, the next 52 weeks of my life, I thought to myself how blessed I am.. Having a loving family who would rally behind me in whatever task I embarked on as well as friends who would stand by me even in times of adversity... In the coming year, I hope to build new relationships with 'strangers' whilst not forgetting the familiar ones whom have been the pillars of my life...
Thank you all coz' without a single one of you, I will never become the person I am now...
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
One week gone so fast...

The week that had just passed went by so fast.. I felt damn guilty... I didn't start on my revision at all.. I guess it's oklah... Firstly, I deserved the break and secondly, I think I should spare the time to entertain my frens from Loughborough...
The rugby sevens on Sunday was awesome!! Thx Fan for the free tix... What made it even more fun was that me, fan and wenqi went there with the Loughborough guys.. Man these guys really add more colour to the atmosphere.. All the banters made the atmosphere a carnivelous one.. I love it especially we outcheer and outdo the French fans... Just hate the French...
School wise, the assignments are slowly being returned to me one by one and the results are oklah.. I shan't complain about the results.. For the amount of effort I put in for my studies this sem, I think the results are terrific...
Hope that I could start on my revision this week.. Other than that, there's something to look forward to this week.. Not becoz it's my birthday or the chalet but something else.. Something which only those in the know knows... Hopefully everything will turn out fine...

Saturday, April 08, 2006
HIVs, Condoms & A Whole Lot of Betting!!!

Raffles Hotel after the Turf Club Trip...

"We want to take pictures of HIVs and Condoms." That's what Simon and Rebecca said to me when I went to help them out in their project.. I was really thinking hard what the heck they mean and it took me quite a while to figure out that they want to take pics of HDBs and condominiums.. Couldn't stop laughing sia...
Friday was also the first time I actually went to the Singapore Turf Club at Kranji (& first time bet on horses...) It was impressive man that place.. Mullet is such an expert in horse racing that he made me look like I'm the tourist.. Damn suaku man me... For fun, I decided to bet... What you know beginner's luck.. I won the first two races, though it's only a $4 profit for each race... Haha... Didn't get anything for the third one but the fourth one was awesome!!! I put $10 on a horse which is not favourite to win.. I shared it with Mullet and together we have a $25 bet on Luckystar, the number 7 horse for the 8th race of the day... What an adrenaline rush!! Luckystar won it by a nose.. Haha... But, there was an objection by the jockey whose horse finish second.. Damn!! Shit man.. That was a fucked up 10 minute wait for the steward to make a decision about the race eventual result.. Fortunately, the objection was overruled.. Haha... Me and Mullet won $155 altogether.. Yeah man!!
I know that I'm not suppose to bet but it's just for the fun of it.. Anyway, I used the winning money on taxis.. Haha... Well some of these guys are going off today.. For Mullet, Simon and Becky, they will only fly off on Monday... Might be going to the local club for Spurs' supporters tonite to catch the Spurs & Man City game.. One thing these guys teach me is how to have a hell out of fun!!! Will miss ya all guys man...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Hey Mate*
Loughborough University.. Hardly heard of that university in the UK until I met the group of students which came down for Europe class on Monday... Great bunch of people... During the class, the Singaporean students had to interact with the Loughborough students.. I went to talk with Neil (Mallet) and Becky... It's amazing how fast we could click...
Brought Neil and Becky together with a few others; Krista, Rebecca, Tim, Simon, Dave and Cradz (My friend, Mazuan, also joined us) to watch an S-League match yesterday night as they wanted to watch 'Singapore' soccer.. SAFFC Warriors VS Baliestier Central Tigers.. Watching the first-half made me feel damn embarrassed about local soccer.. Luckily the second-half managed to serve something for them to watch.. It was cool bringing them to a heartlander area and experienced normal, everyday lives of Singaporeans instead of the usual touristy areas... Also, the best part is teaching them 'local' vulgarities... It's funny to hear them say nabei chee bye or butoh in their English accent...
After the match, we went to Wala Wala at Holland V.. T.J. and Fozz joined us as well.. Man, this guys really can drink and not get drunk easily... They simply love that place and kept calling me 'The Legend' for bringing them to that place... They taught me how to play several drinking games and trust me, that's the first time I got high (on Coke and plain water.. Lol..) Though they drank lots of beer, they respect my decision not to drink and I find that simply awesome and cool... Anyway, Wala Wala closed at 1a.m. and when you think they had enough drinking for that day, you're wrong.. This guys are game for more... So we head down to Mohd Sultan to chill some more and for them, drink a lot more...
By the time we decided to call it a day, it's 4:30a.m. already... I went back to their hotel to spend the night, I mean morning, becoz I'm too lazy to go home.. Well, it's really an experience going out with this guys, showing them around and learning much more about them and their lives... We took lots of photos and hope that Becky would send me soon the pics in her camera so that I can keep it for memory sake... I would have brought my own camera if not for someone who returned me my camera without the memory stick... Hehe..
Hope you guys enjoy Singapore and all the best for the report that you all have to write for the field trip course to Singapore... 'Till next time mate*...
*Mate is something which the blokes call each other and trust me, it's very addictive to say that once you're with them...
Monday, April 03, 2006
No more!!
Woohooo!!! No more assignments for this academic year.. Completed the last group report and submitted it right smack before the clock strike 12 yesterday... The feeling was shiok.. Finally, no more weekends gonna be burn to complete reports and essays.. Thanks Weiyi for putting up with me almost every weekends in completing papers after papers... Here's to many more to come in the next academic year.. Cheers!! Haha...
To digress a bit, yesterday, while preparing for the powerpoint presentation slides, I made a typo error in spelling 'analyzing'... Guess what did microsoft suggest me to change it to?? ANAL SIZING... Haha!! Don't know if you find that funny but it's extremely hilarious to me at that point of time...
Anyway, I shall take a deserving two day break before starting on revision.. Yes, sadly, the exam is drawing nearer as I'm typing now.. Countdown: 22 MORE FREAKING DAYS!!! Lots to catch up as I've neglected all my notes and readings since the mid-sem break...
Like to wish one of my best buddy, Nazri, a happy ahem ahem birthday and also to my the other best buddy, Najib, congrats for having gone thru' the 'traditional process' of ahem ahem... Lol..
Okay folks, I'm goin to listen and sing to my current favourite song "Nadia" (for the umpteen times!!) Can't get the song out of my head... Anyone want the lyrics?? I've juz transcribe it all by myself...
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Can I Help You??
Recently, I read an article in the forum section of the Straits Times about customer service in Singapore.. The reader wrote saying that it's not only the staffs who need to be friendly and courteous in serving customers, the customers themselves need to reciprocate as well... I have to agree with her totally..
Generally, I think that the level of service in Singapore, broadly speaking, has been improving.. There are, of course, some customer service officers who still serve you with such bad mannerism and a smelly attitude like as if you had just taken his/her lover away.. However, I think we, the customers, do need to buck up as well.. I feel that Singaporeans are very rude and demanding most of the times and this create an unfriendly atmosphere... What is wrong with a simple "Thank You" or a smile.. Those actions will really go a long way in making the transaction of the goods and services a pleasant one..
Within the short two to three months working at VideoEzy, I had encountered a fair share of polite and pleasant customers as well as those customers whom you just feel like giving a big, tight slap and spit on their face... It really make my day when a customer talk to you nicely and request for favours politely... I'm more than willing to assist.. But for those chee bais who talked to you as if you are a dog, I would often reciprocate by not entertaining to their requests and queries..
Outside also, when I'm buying groceries or queueing up to buy my food or get postage services for instant, I would often observe people who really try to make life difficult for others... What is your problem man?? You think you have the money you can buy everything including others' pride and dignity?? Normally, I would bitch with the the staff who had just being scolded by the previous customer and console him or her... I would then take the extra effort to wish him or her to have a nice day and thanking him/her for the service.. I feel that would really help in way to make him/her feel better...
I think everyone should remember this: Do to others what you want others do to you.. If you want a pleasant and helpful service, I think you should initiate or at least reciprocate the same thing to the customer service officer who is serving you.. Together, we can make the economic transaction of goods and services a pleasant and warmth experience..
Bye Bye March!! Helloooo April!!
Yeah, it's April Fool's Day!!! What does that mean?? Time to play some practical jokes and pranks on others?? Not quite.. To me, that means March is GONE!!! Yahooo!!! It also means that the holidays are drawing closer.. Yipppeeee!!!!
Many events and things coming up in April.. Let me list it down...
3rd April : My bro, Nazri's Birthday (Don't worry bro, I won't reveal your age here.. Kekeke!!)
5th April: My favourite cuzin, Raihan's 17th Birthday (Man, she's all grown up..)
12th April: This is important!!! MY 24th BIRTHDAY!!!! (Hint! Hint!!)
14th to 16th April: Chalet cum BBQ (To celebrate my cuzin's, her aunt and my b'day...)
19th April: 2A3 class of 1999/2000 Gathering at Little Bali...
21st April: Irfan's 24th Birthday
25th April: Geographies of Social Life Exam (Sucky!!)
26th April: Gender, Place & Society Exam (More Sucky!!)
27th April: Europe Exam (Do I need to say it??)
So there you go, many reasons to be happy that April is finally here... Ohh Yeahhh!!!