Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Having a bad flu during a hot and humid day.. Have you experienced that before? I hate that feeling man.. Your body is perspiring and sweating away like a mad dog but you could not turn on the fan, don't even mention the air-conditioner, because the liquid from your nostril continue to flow relentlessly and will be aggravated further if you try to turn on anything that stimulate any forms of air movement...
Arrgghhh!!! It's been three days now and my condition does not look like it's going to take an about turn for the better... Help me!! I'm desperate now so people please offer me some advice on how I can alleviate this...
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
'Unblue' Monday
What a day it has been man yesterday.. It’s my first day of work at Singapore Polytechnic.. Job’s boring and I’m pretty good at making myself look busy all the time so that they won’t offload me with so many tasks to do.. The tasks that had been assigned to me have been relatively easy so far.. But I hate making calls to people.. Felt like an answering machine, repeating a scripted introduction speech to every caller that picked up my call…
Talking about luck, it’s funny how good fortunes, and bad ones as well, come rolling in at the same time.. It’s just last week that I thought that I would remain unemployed for the rest of the school holidays.. But things changed rather abruptly.. Not that I’m complaining.. My favourite lecturer, Tim Bunnell, had e-mailed me asking whether I am interested to help him out as his research assistant.. The pay is good man and listen to this, I can work anytime and at anywhere.. How cool is that huh?? Well, I will get a confirmation from him tomorrow and hopefully lady luck will continue to smile at me..
After a day’s work, I head back to grandma’s place… My cousins had extra tickets to watch Anugerah Skrin.. Without any hesitation, I made the decision to accompany them to watch it yesterday.. It was fun.. And ohh ohh, guess who did I see yesterday at TCS?? It’s none other than Singapore’s very own cowboy.. Man, he really looks damn selenge man.. For those of you who doesn’t know who I’m talking about, you can refer to Najib’s blog… Hehehe…
Whoever said that Mondays always give people the blues.. For me, yesterday is one Monday which isn’t anything like that... Looking forward to next Monday where I’ll be going to watch Skrin again… For now, I better resume my job of calling people before I get caught updating my blog during working hours..
Talking about luck, it’s funny how good fortunes, and bad ones as well, come rolling in at the same time.. It’s just last week that I thought that I would remain unemployed for the rest of the school holidays.. But things changed rather abruptly.. Not that I’m complaining.. My favourite lecturer, Tim Bunnell, had e-mailed me asking whether I am interested to help him out as his research assistant.. The pay is good man and listen to this, I can work anytime and at anywhere.. How cool is that huh?? Well, I will get a confirmation from him tomorrow and hopefully lady luck will continue to smile at me..
After a day’s work, I head back to grandma’s place… My cousins had extra tickets to watch Anugerah Skrin.. Without any hesitation, I made the decision to accompany them to watch it yesterday.. It was fun.. And ohh ohh, guess who did I see yesterday at TCS?? It’s none other than Singapore’s very own cowboy.. Man, he really looks damn selenge man.. For those of you who doesn’t know who I’m talking about, you can refer to Najib’s blog… Hehehe…
Whoever said that Mondays always give people the blues.. For me, yesterday is one Monday which isn’t anything like that... Looking forward to next Monday where I’ll be going to watch Skrin again… For now, I better resume my job of calling people before I get caught updating my blog during working hours..
Thursday, May 25, 2006
And the winner is....
Thursday, 25th of May.. What a day it has been.. It's a day when two results were being released.. (1) The result for American Idol season 5 and (2) My third year second semester result
I would say it went well for both.. Was quite happy that Katherine Macphee didn't become the American Idol... She can't really sing that well..
As for my own examination results, well, it turned out fine.. I could finally sleep well... You see ever since Tuesday, I can't seem to sleep well... Even though superficially I might appear cool and not really worried about how the result would turn out, deep inside, I think I was kinda nervous and anxious.. Maybe becoz' of the fact that I didn't really put in as much effort this semester as compared to the previous semesters and I feared that I might be receiving the inevitable consequences of those 'boh-chup' actions..
As the clock strike 3 in the afternoon, there it was, right in front of me, my results, after keying in my matriculation number and password... Felt like my heart missed a beat for a second as I sat there in front of my computer, trying to register the outcome of 1 semester of work (and play)...
SWEET!!! Once it sank right in me, I suddenly realized how I fared.. Let's just say that I did a 'Watford'... Well, hope that I could pull of a 'Wigan' in the next academic year.. If any of you could not understand what the heck I'm saying, it's ok... Let's just say I did better than I had expected...
Oh well, now that this is done, what's next.. As far as I can see, what's looming ahead is another 2 more months of boredom.. This might sound crazy and cranky but I can't wait for school to start again so that I could proceed on with my honours year... Yeah, that'll be nice...
Monday, May 22, 2006
Idol Fever
It's back!! The second season of Singapore Idol.. Can't help stop laughing hysterically yesterday when they aired the first episode of the latest season.. You know what else is good about Singapore Idol? It brings the family together.. It was fun watching and laughing together with the family.. Sometimes, one of us would go like, "Eh, I know that person!" That's the great thing about Singapore Idol, everyone in the family could relate to it in one way or another cause it's about ordinary Singaporeans just trying their luck at singing... and fame...
Well, though we may laughed at most of the contestants, I think that we should applaud them for their courage, guts and passion.. I tell you, it's not easy going through the audition.. It's very nerve-wrecking.. You can trust me on that as I had experience it before.. Oh yes, I did went for the audition for the first season.. Got booted out of the first round cause my voice trembled the moment I started to sing in front of the judges.. Who knows if I could maintain my composure at that time, you probably won't heard of the name Taufik Batisah.. LOL... I did apply for the second season but due to some last minute family commitments, I could not go down for the audition...
Looking forward to the subsequent episodes and see whether this season contestants could perform better than the pioneer batch.. all the best guys..
p.s. This is the song which I performed at the audition: "If Tomorrow Never Comes" by Ronan Keating...
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Yo peeps, juz came back from the movie with my two younger sis... I tell you, 'Over the hedge' is awesome and brilliant.. You should go and catch it man.. My favourite character is Hammy.. Think he's a squirrel... Though lately the cinescape is being bombarded with a flurry of furry animal shows, this movie is one which you should never miss...
Oh well, many more shows to catch.. Next stop: Da Vinci Code and X-Men 3... Oooohhhh yeah!!!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
It's been half a month since the holidays started and I'm still JOBLESS!!! Don't know why I have no luck this time around.. None of the work which I went for an interview has yet to call me up.. Bloody hell!! Somebody please, give me a job!!! Damn it man.. It's damn boring not doing anything.. Wake up every day feeling aimless and thinking damn hard of what to do... Then come the struggle... Whether to stay at home and save money (the figure in my bank account is getting smaller and smaller slowly but surely..) OR to go out and prevent mysef from getting bored..
Two days back, I tried doing some research on the possible thesis topics... After reading 1 article, I totally gave up.. No mood man.. It's the hols and reading academic material is probably the last thing I would want to do...
Oh well, think I'm going to rent myself lots of DVDs and be a couch potato... Hmmm.. Maybe I should finish up watching "Everybody Loves Raymond".. Yeah!!! That's what I'll do.. Ok folks, heading down to videoezy now for some free DVDs.. Hehehe... Ciaoz!!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Stop it!
I hate it when people jump into conclusion.. Stop it damn it... And also, stop thinking that you are always right fucking hell.. Your hypothesis is a possibility but it's not necessarily THE reason.. I know my life better than anyone else and I think I'm the best person to steer it in whatever direction I feel is the best... So stop thinking that others have to live their lives according to what you think is best.. BINGIT!!!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Before it's too late......
Mother's Day, a time for many people to show their love, care and appreciation to their mums... But why do we only choose to show it only on this day? Why not in every other day? Oft, we always take for granted the ones that have taken care of us ever since we see the first light...
Yesterday, it dawns upon me how easily one can lose either one of the two people who is responsible for introducing us to this world.. Life is that short as well as fragile... We seldom sit down and reflect on this until something tragic and drastic happens... By then, it might be too late for us to alter the situation... Thus, before it gets to that point, let's show the appreciation, love, care and concern that our parents deserve, in more ways than one, be it how small this gesture is..
To Aliah, be strong my friend.. I will continue to pray for your father's condition to improve... Amin...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Life as a Palimpsest
According to, a palimpsest is a manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible.
If you think about it, life can really be liken to a palimpsest... It would be re-written over and over again but earlier writings are still legible.. But I would like to add on that even though earlier writings might still be visible, they are never in it's original, complete form.. Some parts are being hidden and obscured from the naked eyes.. It's these hidden parts which become one's 'secrets'...
Should these missing parts be unearthed?? Imagine if you do manage to unravel these hidden 'truths' of your loved ones, will you be able to handle the 'truth'?? I think for most people most of the time, they simply can't.. Guess sometimes, things are better left the way they are.. Call it ignorance but think about it, even if you do manage to dig out the 'truth', that 'truth' is not an innocent and complete 'truth'.. Each 'truths' are being fused, blended and meshed with other 'lies' and this process is ever-going... Therefore, the quest for the ultimate 'truth' will never be achieved as the 'truth' is nothing but just mere myth or even a fallacy...
Depressing indeed it may sound but I think that's life... I'm sorry if this entry might not make sense to any of you but something just happened in my life.. I discovered a 'truth' about one of my loved ones that it made me think whether is it worth spending time digging for it and finding it at all because after knowing the 'truth', it makes me feel like a god-damned fucking shit...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Panini Sticker Album
The kid in me is still alive!!! I don't know about all of you but when I was much younger, I was so crazy about sticker albums... You name it from World Cup to Malaysia Cup to Mask to Street Fighter, I had it all before.. Me, my elder brother and elder cousin would have an album of our own and would swop among ourselves any stickers that we were missing... Ahhh... Those were the days... I would even secretly dug up all the coins that I had saved in my piggy bank just to buy stickers..
Well, it's been a long time but guess what?? Panini, the company well-known for its sticker albums, is back.. It's the FIFA 2006 World Cup edition.. I didn't waste any time upon knowing that it is on sale.. I went to get one.. But the search was a tiring one.. Unlike last time, only a few shops are selling the stickers.. Guess it's no longer a fad for kids these days with all the internet and x-box... It is not even sold at 7/11 and Popular Bookstore.. Luckily I found out that San Bookstore is selling them... Ahhh... My saviour...
Come on guys.. I know most of you used to have such sticker albums before.. Let's relive those childhood days and we could even swop stickers among ourselves... LOVELY!!!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Chick(edi) Magnet
Primary school science... That's where I learn about the fact that a magnet has two poles - North and South pole - and that like poles repel whereas unlike poles attract... It seems that the law is applicable to us human beings as well.. Man always attract woman and vice versa... That's probably why I am such a chick magnet.. Lol... Just need to flick my fingers or give a huge and charming smile and girls will come flocking to me like bees to honey... Haha...
Unfortunately, the person who discover this magnetic law failed to account for certain anomalies... Likewise, honey sometimes attract other pests such as flies as well...
Ok, let me get straight to the point... I don't know why but sometimes, trannies got attracted to me or at least try to flirt with me.. Urrrggghhh!!!!! Shit man!!!! I can remember three of these unpleasant accounts, one of which happened just 2 hours ago!!
The first one is when I was at Bangkok.. I was outside a club playing table-tennis with my friend after deciding to take a break from all those loud noise and dancing inside.. Then from nowhere, this tranny came up to my friend and told him that (s)he wanted to play against me... Well, since technically (s)he was a man, I decided to serve up a smash.. (S)he was shocked by the speed of the ball that (s)he screamed... What happened next was totally bewildering and shocking.. (S)he offered me a ciggy and asked whether I wanted shim for the night or not.. Oh man!! Disgusting!!! I politely rejected shim in Thai and scooted of from the scene of the crime immediately...
The latest incident was just now while I was selling kueh.. Two trannies, one wearing blue and the other one wearing black, came to buy the kuehs from me... This is the conversation I had with them...
Bo: Ya, nak beli apa?
Black Tranny: Saya nak nasi lemak...
Blue Tranny: Epok-epok ni berapa?
Bo: Semua $1.. Standard price...
The trannies giggled which make my hair stand...
Blue Tranny: Standard price?? Hehe..
Black Tranny: Abang ni kinky ah.. Hehe.. Standard price...
That's it man.. I felt damn uneasy.. I quickly gave them their change back and fortunately, other customers came so I diverted my attention straight away to the latter...
Sighz... Wish that I could 'de-magnetized' myself away from these people... I mean, they are after all human beings and I don't mind interacting with them normally but the limit is definitely being trespassed when they start to have other 'funny' ideas.... SCARY!!!!!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Fortress Assumption
It's scary to see that the design of certain buildings could encode and reflect society's imagination about the people locating in them.. I went to Assumption English School (AES) yesterday to apply for relief teaching yesterday.. For those who does not know what AES is known for, it is oft being portrayed as a school filled with juvenille delinquents... The fact that Boys Town inmates are being send there for their secondary education does further damage to the school's reputation of being a 'bad' school, trapping them permanently into being categorized as the society's 'other'....
AES is just like a fortress, well at least superficially in my point of view, from what I could see based on its aesthetical appearance which greeted me when I entered the front gate of the school... Why do I say that? Firstly, I have to pass through not just one security guard santry post but two.. Can you imagine that?? Why do you need two man??
Then at the front of the school is a huge canal and from the driveway, there's a somewhat like overhead bridge which has to be crossed... It reminds me of a moat and, just like many other anglo-influenced fortresses, a drawbridge respectively...
After crossing that, a super steep staircase need to be negotiated before anyone could finally reach the school lobby and its general office... I wonder whether the tall and steep staircase serves to remind the students of where in society there belong to and the long and arduous journey they have to undertake to reach the top because of their social position...
Maybe I'm reading too much into the material landscape of AES but you should go and have a look at that school coz' its very much different as compared to the other schools in Singapore, at least in its physical structure wise... Also, I think that the school is being designed in that manner not so in keeping intruders from infiltrating into the school but to act as an 'Alcatraz' for the students in that school, preventing them from going out of the 'fortress', 'polluting' the 'pure' public place... How depressing is that??
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Pink Attack!!!
Went to fetch my lil' sis today.. What greeted me when I reached the front gate is really a sight.. It seems like a sea of little girls carrying pink bags!! Argghh!!! Lucky my sis juz changed her bag.. If not, how to identify her from afar...
That made me think about why little girls just love the colour pink?? Is it natural or is it something they have acquired from their parents, family and society during their growing up years?? Hmm... I think if I have a daughter in the future, I will not let her use pink bags man.. I think it's good to stand out rather than blend in with the rest.. After all, my (future) girl is special what, just like her (future) father... Hehehe...